Hello there! It seems you've found your way to my page, and though it may be just another web search for you, to me it's an honor. I am well aware that the music world is incredibly saturated, so this meeting is a one in a billion chance. Just know I don't take that lightly, and I appreciate you.That's the funny thing about music. It creates these unique moments when the stars align and paths cross that may have never met. Sometimes music travels to dark places, becoming our disease. It may end with a cure, and it may not.
Sometimes music is the light. It is the joy of human existence and we become blissfully unaware of time for a few moments. Regardless of the tone, we connect with our favorite music because simply, it resonates with us. A simple phrase and a simple melody can pair together in the most perfect way that says exactly what we need it to in the exact moment we need it. It reminds us that we are not truly alone in our thoughts and struggles, and it makes all of the mess seem a little more poetic and meaningful. Our messes are beautiful. Our journey is unique, but also not so much. I write for my own healing, but I also write to hopefully help with yours. I truly think we all need that. Thank you for being a part of this community. I hope you are well and blessed.